Lewis Gratz Fell: The Story

Lewis Gratz Fell: The Story

Lewis Gratz Fell was a prominent American lawyer, politician, and businessperson. He was born on 29 June 1907 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He started his early education at a high school. Lewis Gratz Fell attended the University of Pennsylvania and got a law degree. He passed the bar exam in 1923 and was admitted to the bar. He gained a reputation for being a skilled and honest lawyer.

Lewis Gratz Fell’s successful career

Lewis Gratz Fell completed his law degree in 1923. As a lawyer, he earned a good name and reputation. He started his political career began in 1932. He was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1932. Lewis Gratz Fell was eventually elected as a Speaker of the House during the 1934-1935 session. he became the president of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company in 1943. It is one of the largest coal mining and transportation companies in the United States. He worked hard and became one of the wealthiest and most influential businessmen of his time. Lewis Gratz Fell was involved in various philanthropic activities. He was known for his dedication to public service. Lewis Gratz Fell was also a member of many charitable organizations. Fell was also a director of several other companies, including the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad and the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company.

Lewis Gratz Fell’s wife

Lewis Gratz Fell married Wuornos Aileen in 1976. Lewis Gratz Fell divorced her after three weeks. Aileen Carol Wuornos was an American serial killer. She was born on 29 October 1957. Wuornos never met her father. Her father committed suicide by hanging in prison on January 30, 1969. She had a tough life since her childhood. She was involved in sexual activities in school in exchange for cigarettes, drugs, and food. Wuornos became pregnant at the of 14. She gave birth to a boy on March 23, 1971. She began living in the woods near her old home at the age of 15.  Authorities arrested Wuornos in Jefferson on May 27, 1974. She went to Florida and met Lewis Gratz Fell. They got married in 1976. He divorced her within weeks. She returned to Michigan and was arrested at Bernie’s Club on July 14, 1976. Wuornos received $10,000 from her brother’s life insurance. She used the money to pay the fine. She attempted suicide by shooting herself in the stomach in 1978. Wuornos was arrested for attempting to pass forged checks at a bank in 1984. She was involved in many activities like car theft and robbery.  Police discovered a .22 pistol in her car. Wuornos murdered seven men within 12 months. Richard Charles Mallory was an electronics store owner. He was the first victim of Wuornos Aileen. Wuornos claimed that Mallory beat and rapped her. She killed him on 30 November 1989. David Andrew Spears was a construction worker. She shot him six times with 22 pistol. They took her into custody on 4 July 1990. Wuornos died on 9 October 2002.

Daniel Scott

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