About Us

We at papersize.co aim to give you everything you need to know the precious, age-old, white(ish) material called paper.

We provide you with information about different sizes of paper and their significance, various formats of digitalized paper, and even about those types of paper which have moved past their glory days and have become obsolete. We tell you about the standardizations, the idiosyncrasies, and the fascinating history of paper. In short, we tell you about that one thing which is so invisible in our lives but without which our lives would practically be impossible.

Papersize.co is your one-stop destination for everything paper!


papersize.co contains information about ISO standards of paper, about American standard paper sizes, about sizes of other countries, information about obsolete sizes and various other content like the history of paper, the weight of paper, etc.


Paper in most countries over the world, except Canada, the United States, Mexico, Colombia, or the Dominican Republic, follow the ISO 216 standard for a paper which classifies paper from A to C which is further classified within themselves according to size and use. It also specifies the differences between the trimmed and the untrimmed paper formats. Read the articles on our website on the ISO standards to find out more.


Papersize.co provides detailed information on the American standards of paper including the US paper sizes, US envelope sizes and the Canadian paper formats. Navigate to our ‘American standards’ tab to find out more.


Our website contains a page for ‘Other Sizes’ which include the Japanese sizes, taking into account their rich interaction with paper; newspaper sizes, postcard sizes and much more.


This tab will direct you to pages on the imperial sizes of paper of the golden past and how paper was versus how it is now. We can assure you that you’ll find it informative and fascinating.


Paper is not to be dismissed as a lightweight material having almost no weight. The weight of the paper is an essential aspect of the value of paper and we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about it. We include a basic overview to weight and guide you through everything related to the weight of paper, including reams, quires, grammage to basis weight, etc. read on to find out.


Finally, after covering the standards and sizes of paper, we provide you with some extra information about paper including the fascinating history of paper which tells the story of how this material came to be what it is.

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Please enjoy your paper journey!

Want to let us know more about paper or add something we don’t know? Please navigate to the contact page to contact us.

We would love to hear your suggestions for improvement or any paper sizes we’ve missed or that you would find useful for our site. Just drop an email to us.