Billboard Sizes/Dimensions – Including Multisheet Billboards

Billboard Sizes/Dimensions – Including Multisheet Billboards

Are you looking for all the different Billboard Paper Sizes? This article contains all the standard Billboard Sizes Tables for US, UK, Germany, and much more.

See Also: Size for Mug Printing: A Complete Guide

Billboard Paper Sizes


The billboard sizes are of the very ancient type, and they have been used since the early 19th century. The billboard sizes followed the invention of lithographic printing, a cheap method of printing large sheets. The old billboards were to be found on the sides of buildings, and in present scenarios, they have spread to roadside use. Billboards come in a variety of sizes. Some of the sizes are listed as follows:

UK Billboard Sizes


If we take into account the current scenario of the United States, then the billboards are found on buses, metro stations, on various buildings and also by roadsides. But nowadays due to the legislation that is required for billboards the articulated trailers have come into the picture. The UK billboards are measured in feet and inches.

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IMPORTANTThere is some more miniature billboards use clip in place of posters. This helps them to decrease the display size smaller than the sheet size. For instance, the 6-sheet metric bus shelter billboards (1.20 x 1.80 m) can be a safe display area of 1.14 x 1.71 m.

In fact, most of UK people use feet and inches to measure billboard sizes, despite the official use of metric units in the UK. Also, the original 20 x 30-inch single sheet size is originally the British Imperial Double Crown Paper Size.

US Billboard Sizes

In the United States, billboards are found on retail shops, in several buildings in cities, by roadsides, and in other open areas. Most US billboards are measured in feet and inches, and some are also measured in sheets. The standard sheet size in the US is 27*40 inches.


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French Billboard Sizes

The measurement pattern of billboards at France is a bit complex, and they are often measured in meters squared with grand formats for Urban areas, that are squared by 12 and 8 meters.


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German Billboard (Plakatwand) Sizes

The two most standardized billboard sizes that are known so far in Germany are Superpostern and the City Star Boards. These billboards follow the root 2 aspect ratios followed by the A series paper. The Superpostern billboards have a size a little large than the 4A0 and the Superpostern billboards have a size little large than 8A0.


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Austrian Billboard (Plakatwand) Sizes

The two most popular billboard sizes known so far in Austria are Centerboard and the Megaboard. The two standard French sizes, Superpostern and City Star can also be used.


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Netherlands Billboard Sizes

The mostly followed billboard size format used in the Netherlands is 3.30*2.40



Is the size of all billboards the same?

According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, bulletins have three common sizes: 14 feet tall by 48 feet broad. 10 feet tall by 40 feet broad. 10 x 12 feet tall by 36 feet broad.

What is the effectiveness of billboard advertising?

Billboards are one of the most effective kinds of advertising when combined with digital marketing, but this works both ways – digital ads are more effective when combined with billboards. Although tracking cookies is still extensively used, targeting particularly precise audiences with them has become more difficult.

How are big billboards made?

Because it is far less expensive, most billboards rely on printed sheets of paper and vinyl rather than hand-painting the frame of a billboard. However, there are still numerous hand-painted billboards, and many are highly popular owing to their hand-painted nature.

What dimensions does a billboard design template have?

The normal bulletin size is 14′ x 48′. Hence these are the most popular billboard measurements.

What resolution does a billboard have?

A billboard is normally printed at a resolution ranging from 10 to 30 ppi. Remember that image quality can be determine by more than just resolution: exposure, sharpness, noise, dynamic range, contrast, color correctness, etc.

What exactly is the function of a billboard?

Billboard advertising is marketing a company, brand, product, service, or campaign through a large-scale digital or print advertisement. Billboards are usually placed in high-traffic areas, such as highways and cities. This ensures that the greatest number of cars and pedestrians notice them.

Why are they referred to as billboards?

What components make up a billboard?

Steel required to construct and support the frame, artwork conveying the advertising message, and electrical equipment for lighting and other special effects are the three major components of large billboards.

Daniel Scott

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